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Major sponsor

Winners: 2001-02 
Andrew Zappavigna & Carlo Pellizzari (155.5 kg)
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Site scripts courtesy of Global Intercom
Now more than 700 photographs! 2002 Quick Look

balsa ( Ochroma lagopus, or O. pyramidale )
Contest Cam Downloads  Photographs

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New photo each visit

Next contest: May 5/6 2003

Contest Rules  Current Record Holder(s)  Tips Page Timeline  Test Items  Contest Overview   Performance Graph  Sponsors

Bridge Photographs: 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996
Bridge Records: 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
Current Results  Local Hobby Stores  Student Info Sheet  Judges' Instructions  Testers' Instructions  Scoring Guide
Records  Contest Fact Sheet  Incomplete Records Database 
Student Comments: 1995

Additional links

General Engineering Links (under construction)

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Current record-holding 100-gram bridge built in 2000 by Physics 12 student Matt Sullivan. This photo was taken after the bridge was put back together from the remnants. A portion of the roadway is missing. In an attempt to reduce overall mass several holes were drilled in the upper portion of the structure.

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Typical preparation before testing. Bridge is carefully placed on testing beams and testing apparatus is gently lowered into place. Cable in foreground was used to transmit live webcam feed during testing.

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Matt Sullivan with his award-winning bridge at the trophy presentation ceremony. The trophy, held here by sponsoring teacher Peter Vogel, has been presented annually since 1981. APEGBC, the professional body that governs engineering in this province, has been a contest sponsor since 1999. In 2001 we welcomed Dofasco Steel as a new sponsor. For 2002 we welcome CSCE, the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, the UBC Engineering Physics program, and SFU's School of Engineering Science as sponsors.

Go to Physics On-line or contact me by e-mail


This contest has been held annually since 1980. Hundreds of bridges have been tested. The students who take part in the contest are enrolled in either Physics 11 or Physics 12 at Notre Dame Regional Secondary School in Vancouver, BC, Canada.  All physics students at Notre Dame take part in the contest. While there is an evaluation component to the contest, the primary aim is for students to experiment with materials, in this case balsa wood and glue, and learn about structure and strength. Instructors wishing more information on the contest, in particular on the way it is run, may wish to contact me directly. A package of materials is available for instructors at a nominal fee to cover photocopying and shipping costs.

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copyright 1994-2002
Peter L. Vogel

Last updated: July 26, 2014